About Avis Preferred Loyalty
Membership tiers
Join Avis Preferred and earn more rewards, in more places than ever before. With three membership tiers based on your rental history over the last loyalty year †, there are pleasant surprises in store for everyone – from car upgrades to discounts on your rentals.

It’s free to join and you’ll have access to all of these great benefits:
- Priority service
- 10% discount on every rental*
- Access to exclusive partner offers

Members who spend €1,000 on 5 or more rentals in a year automatically qualify, unlocking these benefits:
- Priority service
- 10% discount on every rental*
- Free additional driver
- Single upgrade upon availability**
- Access to exclusive partner offers

Members who spend €2,000 on 10 or more rentals a year qualify for our premier tier, unlocking even more exclusive benefits:
- Priority service
- 10% discount on every rental*
- Free additional driver
- Roadside Assistance Plus
- Single upgrade
- Double upgrade upon availability on weekends**
- Access to exclusive partner offers
† “Loyalty year” is the 12-month period from your Avis Preferred sign-up/anniversary date. * 10% discount is off basic Time & Mileage, and doesn’t include any additional mandatory costs (such as tax or airport surcharges) or additional extras. Discount is applicable for rentals in participating countries listed in the Avis Preferred terms and conditions. ** Subject to availability. Not eligible for vans, luxury, Select Series and Prestige cars, and rentals longer than 14 days.